How To Write A Thesis Statement: Qualitative

 A Qualitative Thesis Statement

A fundamental characteristic of a good thesis statement is that it implies or express the assumptions of the qualitative paradigm, such as the language of qualitative research and the methodology of an emerging design based on experiences of individuals in a natural setting.

Thus one might consider several basic design features of writing this statement:

  • Use such words as statement, intent, and objective to call attention to this statements as the central controlling idea in a study. Set off the statement as a separate paragraph and use the rhetoric of research by employing such words as " The statement ( or intent or objective ) of this study is ( was or will be ).." The present or past verb tense often used in journal articles and dissertations; the future tense is used in dissertation proposals because researchers are presenting a plan for a study.

  • Use words that convey an emerging design because of the inductive mode of the research process in qualitative designs. Such words as describe, understand, develop and discover convey this sense.

  • On how to write a thesis statement eliminates the words that suggest a directional orientation to the study (e.g., successful, informing, useful). Also refrain from using such word as relationship or comparison, which convey quantitative cause and effect or group comparison methodology. By eliminating these words, the researchers conveys an open, evolving stance in the design referred to the need in qualitative interviews to let the respondent describe his or her experience. Interviews (or thesis statement writers) violate the " law of non direction" when they used words that suggest a directional orientation.

  • On how to write a thesis statement clearly mention the central concept or idea being explored or understood in the study. Methodologically a central concept or idea is being understood, discovered, or developed in a qualitative study. This central concept maybe a single idea or an umbrella idea with several sub-ideas. For example, assume that the central idea is to explore chairpersons' roles in enhancing faculty development. One might specify this central idea, as well as key terms used in this exploration, such as the roles of advocate, mentor and coach in the study.

  • On how to write a thesis statement provide a general definition of the central concept or idea. Consistent with the rhetoric of qualitative research, this definition is not rigid and st, but rather is tentative and evolving throughout a study based on information from informants. Hence a writer might use the words " A tentative definition at this time for ____ is .." Another point: This definition is not to be confused with the detailed " definition of terms"

How to write a thesis statement for a qualitative research?

The intent here is to convey to readers a general sense of the key concept so that they can better understand the study at an early juncture in the research plan.

  • Include words denoting the method inquiry to be used in data collection, analysis and the process of research (e.g., ethnographic study, grounded-theory study, case study, a phenomenological study).
  • Mention the unit of analysis (e.g., individual, group, culture or research site (e.g., classroom, organization, program, event for the study. A methodological characteristics of qualitative inquiry is that the study is context-bound.